Adding a new file to our documentation

Now that our site structure is ready to go, let’s add a page to our documentation. This should give you an idea for how to add new content to the site.

Each section below is a file we’ll create and add t othe documentation.


We’ll generate a single new page for our API reference, called API.rst. The file should contain the following text:

API Reference

.. automodule:: my_package


We’ll also generate a short overview document that gives more detail about the project. Paste in this text:


This is the example documentation for a fictitious piece of software called

The example shows how to:

- Include `NumPy-style docstrings <>`__.
- Generate a `Sphinx gallery <>`__.


To show off some other cool things that sphinx can do, we’ll add in an extra page with a little more pizzaz.:

What a great page

This page, truly, is the greatest page on the internet.

See, we've even got `David Bowie <>`_.

as well as pictures of cute cats

.. image::
   :align:   center

Edit the index file

Now that we’ve added pages, we also need to add a reference to them in our site’s table of contents. We’ll add a line for each page to the TOC (inside index.rst) so that the section looks like this:


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2



Make sure all the page names are indented to the same level as the : above.