Extending your Sphinx setup

This page covers some common ways to improve upon your Sphinx documentation. Most of this is accomplished with sphinx plugins and modifications to your documentation’s configuration files.

Adding references between your modules

Sometimes you want to reference something without having to manually specify a URL. In this case, we can use intersphinx to make this easy. This lets us specify a reference by name, or by reference to a python module / function.

To add references for specific words

Add the following to conf.py:

intersphinx_mapping = {'python': ('https://docs.python.org/3/', None),
                       'matplotlib': ('http://matplotlib.org/', None)

To add references to a function or module

Try adding the following to the bottom of a docstring for one of our functions:


Next we need to tell sphinx to generate the documentation for our API:

sphinx-apidoc my_package -o docs/source

Now, when we generate the site, it should automatically link to our own functions.

Using autosummary with sphinx

Autosummary (and a similar plugin called autodoc) is useful for automatically generating API documentation for your functions, classes, etc. Setting up autosummary involves activating a sphinx plugin. TODO